場所:IRREGULAR RHYTHM ASYLUM (新宿区新宿1−30−12−302)
また、香港から参加してくれるDisplay Distributeには、彼女たちのプロジェクト「LIGHT LOGISTICS」についてお話ししてもらいます。
ディストロ:No Lady Swears (東京)、Lilmag (東京)、Display Distribute (香港)、The Book Society(韓国)、など。
場所:IRREGULAR RHYTHM ASYLUM (新宿区新宿1−30−12−302)
一起把親手做的ZINE、想推薦給其他人的ZINE都帶來IRA交流吧!現場能自由進行販賣與展覽,請不用客氣。 在這個千載難逢的機會,你可以真的將來自香港、韓國、台灣、中國、泰國、日本等亞洲各地的ZINE拿起來看看、也能夠直接跟作者們對話交流。雖然隔著言語的屏障,但利用漢字筆談再加上些簡單的英文總是會想出辦法的! 另外,特別從香港來參加這次活動的Display Distribute也將在此跟大家分享他們的「LIGHT LOGISTICS」計畫。
Distro(小誌專門書店們): No Lady Swears (東京)、Lilmag (東京)、Display Distribute (香港)、The Book Society(韓國)、等等。
직접만든 ZINE등, 다른 사람들에게 추천하고 싶은 ZINE을 들고 모여 교류합시다. 판매와 전시등 자유롭게 즐겨주세요. 홍콩, 한국, 대만, 중국, 태국, 일본, 아시아 각지의 ZINE을 실제로 만져 보거나 만든 사람과 직접 이야기를 할수있는 다신 없는 기회입니다. 또한 홍콩에서 참가 해주는 Display Distribute, 그녀들의 프로젝트 ‘LIGHT LOGISTICS’에 대해서 이야기를 들을수 있습니다.
위탁 판매:No Lady Swears (도쿄)、Lilmag (도쿄)、Display Distribute (홍콩)、The Book Society(서울)、등

Small publishers working in and around Asia face difficulties in distributing their stock both domestically and abroad due to restrictions and lack of resources. To facilitate the wider circulation of these publications and periodicals, Display Distribute initiates LIGHT LOGISTICS, a new network relying on the surplus carrying power of willing couriers transporting small amounts of printed matter in their personal luggage from one point to another.
LIGHT LOGISTICS is part of a wider discussion of globally enabled and dismantled forms of exchange amidst a late-capitalist networked production. A series of events and other flexible forms of reading and writing unfold in different cities at various hosting institutions—bookshops, artist-run spaces and book fairs. This “not-in-time” logistical project debuted at BANK in Shanghai (March 2016) with a presentation of pirated ephemera dedicated by various contributors in the form of a corporeal book display. Couriers crossing the continent in the summer of 2016 have gathered publications for Display Distribute and LIGHT LOGISTICS’ next interventions—a temporary dispatch point at Gasworks in London and the abc/F art book fair at Minsheng 21st Century Art Museum in Shanghai.
Other participants in the LIGHT LOGISTICS network include wear journal (Beijing), AJAR Press (Hanoi), Arrow Factory (Beijing), Street Voice (Kuala Lumpur), Wooferten (Hong Kong), No Lady Swears (Tokyo), Modes Vu (Shenzhen), Sub Jam (Beijing), WORKERS (Seoul), Concrete Flux (Beijing) and Spring Workshop (Hong Kong).